Business Insurance

You have built your business with a lot of time and energy. Now it’s time to make sure it’s covered. Protect those that depend on you and purchase a cheap business insurance policy from Pronto. Let us explain how.

Pronto Insurance Services works with a number of the nation’s top carriers to provide policies to business owners. We take pride in seeing our clients back in business following loss. We are able to write most risks and have insured owners from mechanics to accountants. Pronto Insurance Services, will customize your insurance policy to fit your businesses exact needs.

In general business insurance provides one of three types of coverage; commercial auto insurance, commercial property insurance and commercial general liability. While it may not always be required, it is quite affordable and can save clients thousands of dollars should a claim occur.

When least expected a small business may be subjected to a professional liability lawsuit. These suits may claim that you've been negligent or made an error or omission while performing your services. Liability damages may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours of stress on you and your business.

Business liability insurance from Pronto Insurance can help you and your firm pay defense costs and judgments that come from claims of business negligence, error, or omission.

When searching for cheap business insurance allow Pronto Insurance professionals the opportunity to provide you with quotes over the phone or use our commercial insurance page to request a quote online.

Business Insurance

Please Note: Product, coverage, discounts, insurance terms, definitions, and other descriptions are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in your individual insurance contracts, policies, and/or declaration pages.

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